Case Studies

Creating Our China COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker
Timeline of Chinese COVID-19 vaccine deliveries worldwide from December 2020 to April 2022. Source: Bridge Beijing The Problem In February 2021, over six months since talk of the first COVID-19 vaccines had emerged, our team noticed a growing trend on Twitter – people were becoming interested in Chinese-made COVID-19 vaccines. While mRNA vaccines had been dominating the COVID-19 […]

Developing Creative Content around World Toilet Day
The Problem In line with the promise of achieving SDG 6: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all, World Toilet Day on November 19 is a United Nations Observance that raises awareness of the importance of safely managed sanitation and the fact that 4.2 billion people currently have no access to this necessity. It also […]

Raising Public Awareness on Antimicrobial Resistance
The Problem Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) happens when microorganisms change and grow resistant to the antimicrobial drugs that are used to treat the infections they cause. Microorganisms that develop AMR are sometimes referred to as “superbugs,” as they are unable to be treated with effective medicines, resulting in persistent infections and increasing the risk of spreading […]